Monday, February 06, 2006


Last week, a new gene doping story broke just as I was preparing my final grades for the end of semester and desperately trying to finalise details for the the research trip to the Torino Olympics. Repoxygen has been billled as the first case of genetic doping. Naturally, the media has gone crazy trying to understand what this means and sports officials already claim that a test is already under development.

Interestingly, the claim about this new method of doping using 'repoxygen' was discovered through heresay:

"The springboard for these dire pronouncements was an email German police found on the computer belonging to former east German coach to Katrin Krabbe, Thomas Springstein, who is on trial at the moment for doping under-age female athletes. The message complained how "difficult it is to get hold of Repoxygen. Please give me new instructions so that I can get hold of the product for Christmas". Michael Butcher, Scotland on Sunday [who, by the way, didnt bother to call me for an opinion!]

I'm off to Turin tomorrow and already have interviews lined up on this subject. On the approach to Athens, scientists were claiming that Beijing might be our first Gene Games, but it seems Turin might have that famous title.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like repoxygen might be behind high hemoglobin levels reported in Turin. Of course epo is more likely candidate. Anyhow Germans have started very strongly and all Germans were very fast skiers in todays Nordic Combined.
A lot of smoke in the air. There are continuosly difficulties to get athletes tested/caught in surprise tests.
Day by day it is more obvious also to laymen that the war against doping was lost a long time ago.

8:28 pm  

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